The Ultimate Collection of Plugins!
All of our plugins are designed to help you build your audience, grow your leads and sales!
Our Plugin of the month - DigitalAccessPass (DAP)!
Easily Convert ANY Wordpress Site
Into A Fully Automated Membership Site! (DAP) - The MOST Powerful Membership Plugin for Wordpress (SPC)
The Most Powerful Shopping Cart Plugin for Wordpress!

SPC also comes with an Advanced Drag & Drop Checkout Page Builder!
Drag and drop your way to a beautiful checkout page layout,
WOW your buyers, help convert visitors into customers!

The Most Powerful Quiz & Survey Plugin!
A Rewards-Based Membership Site! (GoP) - The Most Comprehensive
Gamification Platform-For your Membership Site!
The GameOfPoints (GoP) plugin will allow you to implement automated gamification tactics for everyday actions,such as awarding points to your members for login, registration, purchase, recurring payment,
referrals, social share, completion of quiz/survey, page visit/clicks, completion of unit, module, lesson etc
and allowing users to use those points to get access to other products and services on your site.

Simple, Easy, Advanced, Customizable & Powerful
Collection of Plugins created by Marketers for Markerters!
Amazon S3 Video & Audio Player - Protect and Securely Embed Video, Audio, PDF, etc
From Amazon S3 into Your WordPress Website
If you have S3 media files - like Audio, Video, PDF, etc - in your Amazon S3 account, and you wish to protect them, deliver them in your WordPress website, membership site or online course, and prevent them from being shared illegally with unauthorized users, then S3MediaVault is the WordPress plugin you need.
Lift your Conversions with Real-time
notification of sales & Opt-ins Instill Trust & Confidence In
New Visitors With Live Social Proof!

Show Sales Proof will allow you to display purchase activities on your sales page via a recent sales notification popup that will show up in the bottom left/right (configurable) or top left/right corner of your page. You can even display notifications right above or below your buy button on your sales page!
Within a couple of minutes, you can create, customize & activate live sales notifications on your sales page or any other page on your website!
Gamify Your Opt-ins and Skyrocket your Conversions! Turn 2-3% conversions rates
into conversions rates of 20% or more!

Capture your visitor’s email address while offering them a chance to win a prize by turning the wheel of fortune!
The MONEY is in Your EMAIL LIST Accelerate the
growth of your email list like never before!

Deliver your Signup Reward Instantly,
in a refreshingly unique way, to your subscribers!
You can incentivize your users in many different ways to get them to sign up.
Here are a few examples:
1. Instant Coupon.
2. Instant access to an E-book or Report.
3. Instant access to a Video (eg., Part 1 is public, sign up to watch Part 2).
4. Instant access to a Checklist.
5. Continue reading rest of your Blog Post.
And a lot more plugins...
Signup for DAP Elite Membership and get access to ALL of our plugins for FREE! - GO VIRAL With Facebook Shares!
Are You Struggling To Get Your Website Visitors
To Share Your Content On Facebook?

This plugin will change that! The possibilities are endless!
You can use this plugin in several different ways to incentivize your users to share your content on Facebook.
Your users need to click on the 'Share To Unlock' button to unlock the hidden content. The hidden content can be anything you want - a Coupon Code, a Video Embed Code, an eBook Download Link, part of your blog post etc.
Powerful, Pretty, Easy To Use Podcast & Audio Player Plugin
Plugins for your dAP-Powered Membership Site
DAP2DAP - Connect different membership sites!

Want to connect different DAP-powered member sites (owned by you or your partners) so regardless of where the purchase happened from, regardless of where your users signed up from, you can deliver content/products from a completely different site?
DAP2DAP will allow you to connect multiple DAP-Powered Membership Sites (whether it's your own sites or your partner's site) in such a way that you can deliver your product/content (upsell, order bumps, bonuses, etc) from any connected site!
DAP Ticket
A Helpdesk For Your Membership Site!

DAP Ticket uses one of the World's most popular open source helpdesk software called "osTicket" and it takes it to the next level for membership site users! You don't have to install osTicket separately. It's all included in DAP Ticket. Your members can quickly open new tickets, view and track progress under their membership account, and easily communicate with you and your team!
As someone who is truly passionate about customer service and support, I'm very proud of DAP Ticket as it's not only affordable (no monthly fees and supports unlimited agents), it'll allow you to automate tasks, track progress and resolve customer issues quickly. When tickets are resolved faster, customers are able to work more successfully with your product or service, meaning they believe in your product and will be loyal to it over the long term!
DAP TIcket will allow you to streamline your business and boost productivity. It'll make it easy for your customers to communicate with you and your team!
DAP Header Login Plugin
Create a Great Login Experience For Your Members
The DAP header login plugin will allow you to show a login link or a login form to your website visitors. It'll automatically replace the login form (in your website's header area), with a logout button for logged-in members, and replace the login link (in your nav bar), with a logout link for logged-in members.
The DAP header login plugin will allow you to:

Signup for DAP Elite Membership and get access to ALL of our plugins for FREE!
Psst… Have an online business friend or followers who you think might benefit from this? Please Share!