DAP Social Login Plugin

The DAP Social Login plugin leverages the Power of Facebook to provide a great login experience for your Members. Since most users already have a Facebook account, the DAP Social Login Plugin will allow your existing members to Login to their Members Area on your site with “1-Click of the Login button”. They don’t have to type in their email / password manually in the login form.

Yes, they do need to need to give Facebook the permission to exchange their public profile with your site, but they only need to do this once – just the very first time they link their Facebook account with their membership account. Once they have done this, it’s 1-click login to membership from their on…

The DAP Social Login Plugin will help generate loyal and habitual users who will excitedly come back to your site because they can get to their content easily with 1-click of a button.

1.  Install Plugin


  1. Download the WCP License ZIP file from your member’s area on the WickedCoolPlugins.com site.
  2. You will also find your WCP license key on the Downloads page.
  3. Install the DAP Social Login and WCP License plugin via WP admin => Plugins => Add New => Upload.
  4. Activate the plugins.
  5. Enter your WCP License Key in WP Admin => Settings -> WCP License Key field.


2. Generate Facebook App ID


Please generate Facebook App Id and Secret Key using the following steps (need to do it only once per domain/web site):

=> Add New App

In a new browser or tab, please visit the FaceBook Developer page. You will need to log in there using your FaceBook account login info. Then click on”Add a New App” to create a new FaceBook app.



=> Choose Platform => Click on “Website”


Click on “Website“.

=> Choose a Name

Choose a name for your app and select Create New Facebook App ID. Choose a category for your app.

Click on ‘Create App Id’.


=> Enter Contact Email, App Domain & Site URL

Visit your App’s Dashboard page. Select your app from the list. If you don’t find your app, refresh the page and it should show up.

Select the navigation item “Settings” in the left sidebar.

=> Enter a valid contact email

=> Enter the domain name (of the site where you will be using this plugin) in the “App Domains” field

=> Enter your Web Site URL in the Site URL field. If you don’t find this field, click on ‘Add Platform’ and select ‘Website’.


You need to add your Website URL in the SITE URL field.

=> Get Facebook App Id and Secret Key.

Copy your Facebook App Id and Secret Key from your app’s dashboard page.

Enter it in the DAP Setup-> Config page -> Facebook App Id and Facebook Secret Key field.



=> App Review

Click on navigation item “App Review” and set “Do you want to make this app and all its live features available to the general public?” to “YES”.



=> Save Settings

Save the settings


3. Setup the DAP Social Login Shortcode


Click on “SC” editor icon in WP Admin -> Pages -> Add New Page  (Visual tab)  to setup your login page.

It will bring up an editor where you can setup and customize your social login page.

Select a Sidebar or Page Login template.

Set the ‘Redirect URL‘ in the SC editor settings.

You can customize the login template / style / message or just go with the defaults.



When you save the setting the SC editor, you’ll find the DAPSocialLogin shortcode on the page.

Save the  page.



How does it Work

Visit the login page in a browser where you are not logged in to DAP.

You will find your DAP Social Login form on that page.

You can click on the ‘Login with facebook’ button to test the login.

1. Facebook Permission

When you click on the ‘Login with Facebook’ button for the first time, a Facebook permission screen will show up.



2. Account Linking

After you accept Facebook permission, this dialog box will show up (you can customize the contents of this dialog box in the SC editor settings.)

Click on OK.


3. Login using Email/Password once to complete Account Linking

After you click on OK to complete account linking, you will see this login form in a popup.

Login using your membership email / password ONCE to complete the account linking.


After the accounts are linked, your members can login to their membership with 1-click on the ‘Login with Facebook’ button.

4. Logout and Test 1-click Login with Facebook

You can logout, visit the login page again, and you can login with 1-click of ‘Login with Facebook’ button because your Facebook account is linked to your Membership account.



Email Alias Field

After the accounts are linked, the user’s Facebook email will be stored as an alias to their primary account.

Visit DAP Users->Manage Page -> Click on User’s name -> it will bring you to Edit User’s page.

On this page, you’ll find the Facebook email in the Email Alias field of the user’s account.

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How-to Edit the DAPSocialLogin Shortcode

If you want to edit your login form, first select the shortcode from start tag to the end tag, and click on SC editor icon.

The SC editor will remember your settings.



How-to create a Sidebar Login Template


When you click on SC editor icon, you will find option for  ‘Sidebar’ and ‘Page’ template.

Select sidebar, select a sidebar template, set the redirect url, and click on insert.  It will generate shortcode for the sidebar.

Copy the shortcode (from start to end tag),  click on Appearance -> Widget -> Add a Text Widget and copy the shortcode there.

That’s it.  The login form should show up in the sidebar of your site.


How-to set the Social Login Form as the Primary Login Form on your site

Just replace the contents of your current login page with your DAP Social Login shortcode.


Set the DAP Setup-> Config -> Login Page URL to the URL of the page where you have the DAP Social Login shortcode.