SmartPayCart (SPC) Documentation

Create / Customize Order Forms

You can embed SPC checkout form within any page on your WordPress site. Use your favorite theme editor - like Thrive, Divi or OptimizePress - just like you normally create a page. And then just embed a small snippet of SPC shortcode anywhere on that page, and that page will instantly turn into your checkout page, with all of your headers, sidebars and footer, and will look like it's a part of your web site.

Embed Checkout Shortcode

Embed your SPC Checkout Shortcode anywhere in your Wordpress Page!

  • Create a checkout shortcode in SPC.
  • Embed your checkout shortcode in your page builder template. I've used Thrive Architect in this video.
  • How to generate buy buttons in SPC.
  • How to connect the buy button on your sales page to the SPC buy button/link.

Sandbox Testing

The sandbox functions like our production environment. However, no actual card processing is performed.

The sandbox only simulates connections to the card networks, but no actual card payments are processed.

Manage 1-Click Upsells

SPC comes with the most intuitive, fun and easy to use "Visual Funnel Builder"!

SPC supports 1-click upsells with Paypal Standard, Stripe and Your customers don't have to reenter their credit card details on the upsell pages.

Create/Manage Buy Buttons

SPC supports all types of products - one-off, fixed-term recurring, unlimited-recurring etc. SPC will automatically pick up product details from your DAP membership site. See the video to learn how to create a checkout page, create buy buttons, embed it on your wordpress page, connect the SPC generated button to the button on your sales page.

Create/Manage AddToCart Buttons

You can also use SPC add-to-cart buttons to allow your users to add multiple items to their cart before checking out. When your buyers click on the A2C button, they'll be sent to an order cart summary page where they'll find all the cart items. They can either head to the checkout page to finalize their purchase or continue shopping.

Order Bumps

An Order Bump is an additional product that you can offer on your checkout page to increase the size and value of your orders. Bump products are typically add-on products that complement the main offer on the Checkout Page. Your customers can simply tick a checkbox to add the bump product to their order!

2-Step Checkout

A 2-step order form will allow you to separate the account creation process from the actual payment. By splitting up your checkout into a step based approach, even if your prospects abandon the checkout in step-2, you'll still have their contact details and you can contact them to recover the cart.

Order Receipt

You can place the SPC Order Receipt Shortcode anywhere on your WP page. It'll list the purchased items, order total, invoice id, buyer's contact and billing details etc on the receipt page. It's fully customizable!

Facebook Tracking

Track all SPC-Powered purchase events in Facebook automatically - main purchase, order bump, upsells, downsells. SPC tracks initiate checkout as well as purchase events so you can re-target Cart Abandoning users ( those that initiated checkout but didn't complete purchase).

Stripe Integration

IMPORTANT: If you sell subscription products, you need to create a subscription plan in Stripe for each subscription product in DAP otherwise Stripe will only charge the user the initial fee but not the 'recurring fee' every month.

Paypal Integration

Find your Paypal API Credentials from your Paypal account and enter it in your SPC >>  Settings page >> Live tab >> Paypal Section. If you have a Paypal sandbox account, enter sandbox credentials in SPC >> Settings page >> Sandbox Mode tab.